
Are your final wishes known? One of the most important things you can do for yourself and your family is to draft and finalize a will. A will is a legal document that helps ensure your final wishes are carried out.


A Will is Essential for Estate Planning and Peace of Mind

A will, otherwise known as a “last will and testament,” is a legally binding document that helps protect your family and assets. It outlines who will receive which of your assets when. Without a will in place, there are no guarantees that your estate will be dispersed the way you want.

If you have minor children, a will can keep the courts out of the decision of who should be their legal guardians after your death. A will allows you to say who you want to be responsible for your children’s care and well-being and who you don’t. Similarly, you can include directives regarding pets and long-term care decisions for children with disabilities.

Another important reason to have a will is to avoid a lengthy probate process. Probate courts have the responsibility to “administer your estate.” When you have a will, probate is much quicker, and your estate won’t succumb to default distribution guidelines established by the state—and that you might not agree with.

Making the time to work with experienced estate planning attorneys to draft your final will and testament is time well spent. You can minimize estate taxes, make gifts and donations to causes important to you, avoid lengthy and expensive legal challenges, and ensure your loved ones and assets are properly protected.

Ready to get started?

At Wayland Law, we listen to you. We will create or update your will so it is aligned with your wishes, protects your family and assets, and ensures your legacy lives on the way you envisioned.