
It is rarely in your best interest to have a judge decide your case. The judge does not know you, the other party or your particular circumstances. Mediation allows you to take control of the outcome of your family matter; it allows you and the other party to facilitate a mutually agreed outcome that serves the needs of your family.


Mediation Attorneys Facilitate Divorce Proceedings

Mediators are a neutral third party that facilitates cooperation among a couple to work through decisions regarding their divorce. If mediation is successful, a couple can avoid hiring individual lawyers to represent them in divorce court.

We help families mediate the terms of divorce including division of property, child custody, support and more. Our goal is to get the two sides to negotiate until an agreement is reached. Both parties need to participate. If an agreement can’t be reached, a couple would need to rely on the courts to determine the variables of their case.

At Wayland Law, we believe in the power of mediation. While not all divorces can be resolved in this way, we are passionate about doing what we can to get you there.

Mediation may help

While mediation isn’t foolproof, it has been successful for many couples going through divorce. Wayland Law is experienced in mediation. Give us a call today to learn how we might help.